Fr. 30.50

Diaphanous (LP)


Erscheint am 12.07.2024


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At the intersection of the two extreme genres of noise and grindcore, Sissy Spacek has been an ongoing artistic process to create anxiety inducing chaotic music. The band has gone back to it's basics with a lineup of it's core member John Wiese and longtime collaborator Charlie Mumma (who you may know from BLOODY PHOENIX or his contributions to KNELT ROTE). Diaphanous is a mess of blast beats, noise walls, and ardent screaming. The music is both artistic and unstructured - is it high culture or lowbrow? If you enjoyed the group's 2016 album Disfathom, you can consider this it's spiritual successor. For fans of raucous noise with blastbeats. This is technically the band's second grindcore full length after being a band for almost a quarter of a century and it is not to be missed.


Interpreten Sissy Spacek (Band)
Genre Pop, Rock
Inhalt LP
Erscheinungsdatum 12.07.2024




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