
Good White Queers? - Racism and Whiteness in Queer U.S. Comics

Englisch · Taschenbuch


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How do white queer people portray our own whiteness? Can we, in the stories we tell about ourselves, face the uncomfortable fact that, while queer, we might still be racist? If we cannot, what does that say about us as potential allies in intersectional struggles? A careful analysis of Dykes To Watch Out For and Stuck Rubber Baby by queer comic icons Alison Bechdel and Howard Cruse traces the intersections of queerness and racism in the neglected medium of queer comics, while a close reading of Jaime Cortez's striking graphic novel Sexile/Sexilio offers glimpses of the complexities and difficult truths that lie beyond the limits of the white queer imaginary.

Über den Autor / die Autorin

Kai Linke, born in 1981, works as an educator in Berlin. He received his PhD in American studies from Humboldt University in Berlin. His work focuses on queer and trans issues, racism, and whiteness.


How do white queer people portray our own whiteness? Can we, in the stories we tell about ourselves, face the uncomfortable fact that, while queer, we might still be racist? If we cannot, what does that say about us as potential allies in intersectional struggles? A careful analysis of Dykes To Watch Out For and Stuck Rubber Baby by queer comic icons Alison Bechdel and Howard Cruse traces the intersections of queerness and racism in the neglected medium of queer comics, while a close reading of Jaime Cortez's striking graphic novel Sexile/Sexilio offers glimpses of the complexities and difficult truths that lie beyond the limits of the white queer imaginary.


Besprochen in:
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45/16 (2022)


Besprochen in: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45/16 (2022)


Autoren Linke Kai, Kai Linke
Verlag Transcript
Sprache Englisch
Produktform Taschenbuch
Erschienen 01.03.2021
EAN 9783837649178
ISBN 978-3-8376-4917-8
Seiten 332
Abmessung 157 mm x 23 mm x 230 mm
Gewicht 513 g
Illustration Dispersionsbindung, 40 SW-Abbildungen, 1 Farbabbildung
Serien Queer Studies
Queer Studies (COL)
Themen Sozialwissenschaften, Recht,Wirtschaft > Soziologie > Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung

Ethnische Gruppen und multikulturelle Studien, Comic, Gender Studies, Kunst: Graphic Novels, Mangas, Gender, Media, Cultural Studies, Queer Theory, Sexuality, Racism, auseinandersetzen, Graphic Novel und Manga-Kunst, Whiteness


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