Fr. 28.50

Orlando, My Political Biography (2023) (Janus Contemporaries, Criterion Collection)

Englisch · DVD


US Version | Ländercode 1
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Erscheint am 25.06.2024

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“Come, come! I’m sick to death of this particular self. I want another.” Taking Virginia Woolf’s novel Orlando: A Biography as his starting point, academic virtuoso turned filmmaker Paul B. Preciado fashioned the documentary Orlando, My Political Biography—a personal essay, historical analysis, and social manifesto. For almost a century, Woolf’s eponymous hero(ine) has inspired readers with their gender fluidity as well as their physical and spiritual metamorphoses across a three-hundred-year span. In making his film, Preciado invited a diverse group of more than twenty trans and nonbinary people to play the role of Orlando and to participate in this shared biography. Together, they perform interpretations of the novel, weaving into Woolf’s narrative their own stories of transition and identity formation. Not content to simply update a groundbreaking work, Preciado interrogates the relevance of Orlando in the ongoing struggle to secure dignity for trans people worldwide.


Regisseur Paul B. Preciado
Genre Dokumentation > Portrait, Biographie
Dokumentation > LGBTQIA+
Inhalt DVD
Erscheinungsdatum 25.06.2024
Edition Criterion Collection, Janus Contemporaries
Ton Französisch
Untertitel Englisch
Laufzeit 102 Minuten
Bildformat 16/9
Produktionsjahr 2023
Originaltitel Orlando, ma biographie politique (Französisch)
Version US Version
Ländercode 1

Cast & Crew


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