Fr. 22.50

Season 9


Erscheint am 05.07.2024


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James Grear & Company is a Minneapolis-based nine-member vocal ensemble that has given their lives to the proclamation of Jesus Christ through Gospel music. The group's accomplishments include four Stellar nominations, two Excellent Award nominations, a Soul Train Award nomination, an appearance on the movie soundtrack The Prince of Egypt with Boyz To Men, Emperor's New Groove with Sting, The Fighting Temptations with Beyoncé and Angie Stone, and an appearance on the Today Show as backup for pop diva Mariah Carey. The Company's debut album Don't Give Up in 1998 took the industry by storm with over 30 weeks on both Billboard Gospel and R&B charts, with three hit singles and a number one on the Hip Hop charts for 3 weeks. James Grear & Company has toured the United States extensively as well as Italy with Dr. Bobby Jones and the artist formerly known as Tonex.


Interpreten James Grear & Company
Genre Gospel
Inhalt CD
Erscheinungsdatum 05.07.2024




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