Fr. 22.50

Strange Medicine (Digipack)


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On Strange Medicine, acclaimed roots musician Kaia Kater succeeds in the act of transformation, alchemizing grief into joy, sorrow into hope. Defiant toward an industry that silences Black women, Kater's songs celebrate the power of oppressed people and act as an antidote to centuries of exploitation, fear, and greed. This collection-featuring today's finest roots musicians: Allison Russell, Aoife O'Donovan, and Taj Mahal-showcase Kater's biting songwriting and deft arranging chops. Strange Medicine's intricate orchestrations were inspired by diverse sources: composer Steve Reich's propulsive minimalism, the frenetic drumming of Brian Blade, the unsettling scores of composer Jonny Greenwood, and rhythms of the West African kora. Kater's delicate yet robust banjo playing charts new territory well beyond what's expected of the instrument. With Strange Medicine, Kater creates an outlet for our collective grief and celebration and inviting the ancestors to a place of honor at the table.


Interpreten Kaia Kater
Genre Folk
Pop, Rock
Inhalt CD
Erscheinungsdatum 17.05.2024
Edition Digipack





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