Fr. 27.50

Biblical Psychology - A Commentary on the Relationship of God with His Creation - Mankind; the Souls, Spirits and Minds of Human Beings

Inglese · Tascabile

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Ulteriori informazioni

Oswald Chambers reveals the psychological processes in the Bible, framing his commentary through the Biblical concept of the soul, man, and the divine.

A thorough examination of the Bible's way of thinking, this book highlights the wisdom of the holy Bible and its value in revealing the workings of the human mind. With relevant quotation of the scriptures, Oswald Chambers demonstrates how the Bible's teachings and recounting of events such as the life of Christ demonstrate and reflect upon human psychology.

The author eloquently establishes the connection between the spiritual essence of the human soul, with our physical form, and finally the mind. The relationship of these three constituents of the human being, and its expression upon the pages of scripture, form the central pillar of this instructional text. As a teacher and evangelist, the writer's capacity to educate and explain is in the fullest evidence upon these pages.

Dettagli sul prodotto

Autori Oswald Chambers
Lingue Inglese
Formato Tascabile
Pubblicazione 17.06.2019
EAN 9780359732593
ISBN 978-0-359-73259-3
Pagine 134
Dimensioni 152 mm x 229 mm x 8 mm
Peso 206 g
Categoria Saggistica > Filosofia, religione > Religione: tematiche generali, opere di consultazione

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